Top LinkedIn Mistakes

By Jordan

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    LinkedIn is a powerful platform to help you build your professional brand, increase your visibility and gain access to people and opportunities. However, many people make common mistakes on the platform that prevent them from using it to its full extent. This blog will explore the top mistakes people make when using LinkedIn and how to avoid them.

    Not Having a Profile Picture

    The first mistake people often make on LinkedIn is not having a profile picture. Not having a profile picture can make you look unprofessional and make it harder for people to find you. When selecting a profile picture, use a professional headshot that reflects who you are and what you do.

    Having an Outdated Profile

    The second mistake people often make on LinkedIn is having an outdated profile. You should regularly update your profile with any new experiences, skills, or certifications that you have acquired. This will ensure that your profile accurately reflects your professional experience and knowledge.

    Forgetting Keywords

    The third mistake people often need to correct on LinkedIn is not using keywords. If you’re using LinkedIn to find a job, it’s essential to use keywords in your profile that will help recruiters find you. This means adding words that describe your skills and experiences that are also used in job postings.

    Forgetting to add current and former

    The fourth mistake people often make on LinkedIn is not connecting with enough people. LinkedIn is all about building relationships, so it’s essential to make sure you’re connecting with people in your industry or field. This will help you stay up-to-date on trends, industry news, and opportunities.

    Not Engaging in Discussions

    The fifth mistake people often make on LinkedIn is not engaging in discussions. LinkedIn is an excellent platform for conversations and exchanging ideas with other professionals. By engaging in discussions, you’re expanding your network and showing that you’re knowledgeable in your field and have a lot to contribute.

    Being cringy on Linkedin

    Some people post cringy material on LinkedIn for several reasons. Some may be trying to stand out from the crowd, and others may be looking for attention or funny. Some may be trying to show off their skills or accomplishments but may need to improve at professionally presenting them. Others may not realize the consequences of posting cringy material. Whatever the reason, cringy material can be a major turnoff to potential employers and should be avoided.

    Not Personalizing Your URL

    Another common mistake is not personalizing your URL. LinkedIn gives you the opportunity to customize your profile URL, making it easier for people to find your profile. Take advantage of this opportunity and make sure your profile URL is easy to remember and share. This could be your name or company’s name.

    Not Engaging with Content

    One mistake that many people make on LinkedIn is not engaging with content. LinkedIn is an excellent platform for networking, but it’s also a great platform for learning and engaging with content. You should take advantage of the content available on LinkedIn by engaging with it. This could be liking and commenting on posts, sharing content, and even creating your own content. By engaging with content, you can demonstrate your knowledge and expertise, which can help you stand out from the crowd.

    Using Canned Messages

    Another mistake that many people make is using canned messages. While sending canned messages to people may seem like a good idea, this can do more harm than good. Canned messages come across as impersonal and can make people less likely to engage with you. Instead, you should make sure to personalize messages when reaching out to people. This will make people more likely to respond to you and can also help create a more positive relationship.


    LinkedIn is a powerful platform that can help you build a powerful professional brand and increase your visibility. But, if you make mistakes with your profile or use it incorrectly, it can do more harm than good. To make sure you are using LinkedIn effectively, you should avoid making the mistakes outlined in this article.


    LinkedIn For Dummies 

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