Facebook Director Reacts To Mark Zuckerberg & Dwarkesh, Llama 3, AI Bubble, Kook Alert: Gary Marcus| SVIC Podcast

By Jordan

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    Audio Fixed: Facebook director reacts to Mark Zuckerberg & Dwarkesh interview, the state of AI in bioscience, Llama-3, Gary Marcus’s bullshit, AI Bubble?, the potential of AI agents, the healthcare system, and the use of large language models in ophthalmology. They also touch on the challenges and opportunities in the healthcare industry and the need for innovation and improvement. Show hosts Joe (Eng VP) and Jordan (M&A Deal Lead) worked at various companies from Google, Apple, Facebook, Microsoft, Salesforce, Slack, Carta, Splunk, Wealthfront, Adobe, and more.

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    00:00 Introductions
    01:00 AI Boyfriend/Girlfriend
    01:56 Dwarkesh Patel Mark Zuckerberg interview
    05:30 Mark On Dwarkesh’s AI Doomer Bullshit
    11:30 History of Dough Boy’s Name – AKA CEO of Anthropic
    12:15 Why Anthropic Was Formed
    12:59 GroQ Llama-3 800 Tokens Per Second
    13:45 Mark Zuckerberg Vs OpenAI
    20:00 Kook Squad: Gary Marcus
    27:24 OJ Simpson & Gary Marcus’ Eyes Pop Out of Their Heads
    29:30 Google Sold Boston Dynamics – Major Mistake?
    37:34 Discord Question: Coldly Analytical – AI Hype Bubble?
    40:50 Bioscience Breakthroughs & Problems With Healthcare
    52:00 Research: LLM approach to expert level clinical knowledge & Reasoning in Ophthalmology

    #openai #ai #facebook #llama3 #chatgpt #google

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